it's about lifestyle
A few co-workers made a comment the other day they can't stand christians who "are in your face about their faith". These are christians saying this. So,I don't think they're talking about people trying to witness to them. I think they're talking about people who are living out thier faith. People who talk about things such as watching movies before allowing thier children to,have some christian symbol/saying in thier office,maybe mention praying for someone,etc. People who understand being a christian is about a lifestyle.I can understand if someone bring it up for no apparent reason.But,if it's brought up in conversation,what's wrong with it? For exampe,someone ask you what you did over the weekend? you say "saturday night we watched a movie that our children are wanting to see to make sure it's ok". It's natural in conversation for this to come up.If you said "we watched a movie or said we watched "finding nemo (or any other obvious child move) "then the other person is naturally going to ask what movie or why "finding nemo". If you are a "practicing"christian,then others are going to know it. AND I don't see how you can be a christian and not be "practicing".It's a widely accepted concept that our beliefs affect our behavior.I believe this.So,If you believe in God,you can't help but show it. I may be way off base in getting what my co-workers were trying to say. So,if you have any input please comment. I know that there are people who are "radical" and do things such as picket so you can't even get into a store,etc. That is extreme,I agree. Maybe these are the types my coworkers were talking about. But,if they were mentioning the type I described then I say that's not shoving thier faith in someone's face. I would LOVE any input/thoughts any one has on this matter,especially someone who disagrees with my view.I love to get all points of a discussion :)
At 4:52 PM ,
Unknown said...
When I think of someone being "in my face" about their religion, I think of them telling me what I should and shouldn't do. Those examples you gave seem pretty harmless to me. Maybe that's b/c I work in a church, I don't know.
If the person were Buddhist, Hindu, Muslim, or Pagan, would they feel the same way about it?
At 7:22 PM ,
Alicia Beth said...
I see your point. It's becomes not just "sharing" but "telling"someone how they should live. I wouldn't like anyone doing that to me. Thanks for your input :)
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