how can I be angry (a borrowed blog)
Ya know, sometimes life sucks. We all have stuff that we wish never happened. But, when we let God handle us in the situation we're facing...lives change. Your's and those around you. When we really and truly say, "ok, God. What do you want to do with this experience? What do you want to do through me with this experience? Here are all of my heart's pieces, broken pieces, confused pieces, hurt pieces, and the pieces that don't even know what they are. Do what you will. Knock yourself out." Things that were broken are mended; confusion turns into peace; and hurt is replaced with forgiveness. The "cons" will fade away--but the "pros" are lasting and life-changing. When we let God mold us in the midst of a difficult situation, we come out better than we were before. I can say with complete confidence AND humility that I like who I am now more than I did before. I love that God has used experiences in my life to catapult me into a new level of thinking and living! I am more of the woman God intended me to be and am living with more purpose and sense of destiny than ever before! When I look that those "pros" I can I be angry? How can I resent a person or an experience when I get to walk away feeling and knowing what I do? In fact...THANK YOU! Isn't our God amazing?! Isn't he so incredibly good?! Endlessly faithful?!?!
I encourage you to look at the things that have happened in your life and think about how God has used them for good. If you feel NO good has come of bad situations in your life then you didn't LET God do his thing. (I may or may not know your situation, but I know my God's character and whatever He touches has life) Let him catapult you into a new stratosphere!
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