my pride and joy/showers of blessings
Isn't she adorable? This is my beautiful neice Madelyn from Feb '08. I have to say that I've had a pretty rough past few months.But,one look at this face and I feel all better. I've got to post a video sometime so you can see just how bubbly and spunky she is :) I swear you'd think she's mine as she has my personality and looks more like me than her own parents.She reminds me of all the blessings I have in my life.That's why I call her my pride and joy.Anytime I feel a little down somehow I manage to think of her or call and she answers the phone.I actually talked to her tonight on the phone.It's so fun to be able to have a little conversation with her on the phone and she actually recognizes my voice too.She truly knows it's me :)
I guess I just felt lead to share this as I'm beginning to learn that everyone has some struggles or has some worries.It's a kindness of God that we have anything good in this life.During these past few months,i've really come to learn just what is important in life and what are needs and what are greeds.I'm learning that I really can live with alot less than I ever thought I could.Also many times the things that bring you the most joy are little things in life that can't be bought or made !!!!
But let all who take refuge in you be glad; let them ever sing for joy. Spread your protection over them, that those who love your name may rejoice in you.
Psalm 5:10-12