
Kairos in ancient Greek means "a moment in time".My desire is that this blog will allow me a moment to reflect on life and give you an moment to share in it with me.We are sooooo busy these days and it is so very important not to let the little things and moments pass us by.Hoping you are having a BLESSED day :)

Friday, October 24, 2008

Who moved?

I have to confess that lately I've felt distant from God.I haven't heard His voice.Now,I've seen His provision but nothing else.I don't know if the times I've had where I sensed God's presence so strongly are rare or something I should be expecting everyday.Is it just a kindness of His that I am able to "feel" Him? Should I be concerned if I don't consistently? There's an old cliche that says "If you feel far away from God,guess who moved? It wasn't God!"I'd love for my readers to offer their input.I'm fighting for my relationship with God and tend to think that being able to "feel" God throughout my day is something I should be obtaining to.But,I'm open to thought,suggestions,etc.I'd love for you to share your experience with this (if you've had one) and verses,quotes,etc that you'd love to share with me :)

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Sweet Fellowship :)

Last night after a busy stressful week at work,I headed straight over to the Brooks' house for a cookout/fellowship.It was much needed in so many ways.It was SOOOOO good to enjoy some AMAZING chili and smores over the campfire. It was soooo great to just relax and enjoy the fire and outdoors.It was also soooo good to be with my church family.they are so important to me and are used by God in my life in soooo many ways.I forget sometimes just how important the body of Christ is to a christian.It takes sacrifice and committment to have fellowship.That's why it's so important.I missed the past two weeks of church activities due to moving and being sick.I have however been able to e-mail a couple of ladies at church who have invested me in.They have been praying for me and I have felt those prayers.Because of the fellowship I have with my church family I never feel alone.I go to work every day feeling them with me as I know they are thinking of me just as I am them.That encourages me and uplifts my spirit soooo much.That is what the body of Christ is meant to do.So I feel sooooo blessed to have fellow christians that believe in fellowship as I do.One question many people ask is "Why do I have to attend church?"
"Why can't my relationship with God just be between me and Him?" This is the reason why.We were created for fellowship and it's where God can use the body of Christ most.

Thursday, October 09, 2008

Peace Out !!

I am FINALLY feeling better after recovering from my cold/virus.Thanks to all of you who were praying. I have had SOOOO much going on lately that it's a wonder I haven't been committed to a mental hospital.I moved,was VERY sick and am facing a possibility of losing my job. For some one who battles anxiety and has to have meds/therapy for it you would think this would have done me in. BUT,my God is FAITHFUL !! He's been everything I needed during this time.It's kind of funny as I've been so busy literally that I haven't been able to talk to many people or see my therapist about any of this.I just a few days ago told my dad and tonight told my mom. I think it was as if God wanted it to be just me and Him.Normally this kind of stress would have been too much but for the most part i've had such peace.PEACE PEACE PEACE !!! Jesus is the Prince of Peace after all. Peace that God is in control.Peace that God's will can and will prevail.Peace that I'll be fine financially.Peace that I've given it my best.Peace in my Spirit.Peace of mind !!!! I don't know what will happen with my job but I rest soundly tonight knowing it'll all be ok. I know that I'm fortunate to be able to say this.Please don't think that I haven't had my moments of worry and stress.That's what makes this such an exciting thing.I usually would've pulled my hair out by now.However,i've learned that God will take care of me AND I've learned the power of God's Truth. I'd love to discuss any details if anyone wants to know.I just say this to encourage anyone who might need it.It's become kinda "cliche" to say "God is in control" but He really is.If we really believe this how differently do we feel and act?

Sunday, October 05, 2008

just rambling

I've been sick for a few days now.Can I just tell you I HATE being sick !!! I am praying that i'm finally on the mend.I go back to work tomorrow and need all the mental and physical strength I can get.I have enjoyed the downtime though and just being able to snuggle in my bed. It's been much needed.When I've felt up to it i've been thinking about God and talking to Him lately.I hate to admit that I've put Him on the back burner the past few weeks with my move and stressful job situation. As usual though,I've been on His mind all this time.God is FAITHFUL !!! He reminded me the past few days of some of His characteristics. First of all that He is FAITHFUL !!! He has not left my side for one moment during these past few weeks when I didn't feel Him or sense Him.He's been right there.(As a side not because of this He already knows what's been going on so when I pray nothing is a surprise to Him and nothing is unknown to Him). God is also the REDEEMER !!! I was reminded today of someone who has come back into my life who I knew in high school.This guy had quite a reputation back in the day and I still cant' put that past me even today. God had to remind me that Yes,He can and does redeeem people's pasts and restores their future.I don't see any potential in this guy but God does !!! Praise God that He sees us as NO ONE else does :)
Last thing God has been reminding me of is that He is my PORTION !!! He is all I need and then provides for all my needs.He knows it all (see earlier in my blog) and wants to move in our lives in some mighty big ways.I don't always believe this though as my prayer life shows that.I don't hand things over to Him as if He's the Almighty !!! If I truly believe He's sovereign,omnipotent,etc than who better to give my life to and to give my day to day life to.He's already there and already knows.So,why not invite Him to be there and to work in ways only He can. That is my prayer tonight that I won't forget who God is and what He can do in my life !!!!!!