
Kairos in ancient Greek means "a moment in time".My desire is that this blog will allow me a moment to reflect on life and give you an moment to share in it with me.We are sooooo busy these days and it is so very important not to let the little things and moments pass us by.Hoping you are having a BLESSED day :)

Monday, September 10, 2007

I have to have discipline?

In our small group on Sunday nights,we're beginning a book by Foster entitled "Celebration of Discipline". It's about the spiritual disciplines.He categorizes them into inner,outer and corporate. I'm really excited about this as i've heard the word "spiritual disciplines" but not ever known what they were exactly.I already practice some of them but would have never considered others as disciplines.Also,tithing is not one mentioned and I just KNEW that was a discipline.So,i'm really excited about what i'm going to learn over the next few weeks.My question to you is this....Did you grow up knowing what spiritual disciplines were? What do you think they are? If you practice spiritual discipline,what's your favorite and what's your least favorite? which one has been most life changing? i'd love to hear your thoughts :)


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