
Kairos in ancient Greek means "a moment in time".My desire is that this blog will allow me a moment to reflect on life and give you an moment to share in it with me.We are sooooo busy these days and it is so very important not to let the little things and moments pass us by.Hoping you are having a BLESSED day :)

Saturday, September 22, 2007

You know you're from Florida if........

(this is for my Florida family :) I miss being there and especially the palm trees!!!!!!!!)

You know you're a Floridian if....

..Socks are only for bowling.

..You never use an umbrella because you know the rain will be over in five minutes.

..A good parking place has nothing to do with distance from the store, but everything to do with shade.

..Your winter coat is made of denim.

..You can tell the difference between fire ant bites and mosquito bites.

..You're younger than thirty but some of your friends are over 65.

..Anything under 70 is chilly.

..You pass on the right and honk at the elderly, but pull over for a funeral.

..You've driven through Yeehaw Junction.

..You could swim before you could read.

..You have to drive north to get to The South.

..You know that no other grocery store can compare to Publix.

..Every other house in your neighborhood had blue roofs in 2004-2005.

..You've gotten out of school early on Halloween to trick or treat before it got dark

..You know that anything under a Category 3 just isn't worth waking up for.

..You dread lovebug season.

..You are on a first name basis with the Hurricane list. They aren't Hurricane Charley, Hurricane Frances...but Charley, Frances, Ivan and Jeanne.

..You know what a snowbird is.

..You know why flamingos are pink.

..You think a six-foot alligator is actually pretty average.

You were twelve before you ever saw snow, or you still haven't.

.."Down South" means Key West

.."Panhandling" means going to Pensacola

..You think no-one over 70 should be allowed to drive.

..Flip-flops are everyday wear.

..Shoes are for business meetings and church.

..No, wait, flip flops are good for church too, unless it's Easter or Christmas.

..Sweet tea can be served at any meal.

..An alligator once walked through your neighborhood.

..You smirk when a game show's "Grand Prize" is a trip or cruise to Florida.

..You measure distance in minutes.

..You have a drawer full of bathing suits, and one sweatshirt.

..You get annoyed at the tourists who feed seagulls.

..All the local festivals are named after a fruit.

..A mountain is any hill 100 feet above sea level.

..You think everyone from a bigger city has a northern accent.

..You know the four seasons really are: almost summer, summer, not summer but really hot, and February.

..It's not soda, cola, or pop it's coke, regardless of brand or flavor, "What kinda coke you want?"

..Anything under 95 is just warm.

..You've hosted a hurricane party.

..You go to a theme park for an afternoon, and know when to get on the best rides. (Space Mountain during the Electric Light Parade!)

..You understand the futility of exterminating palmetto bugs.

..You can pronounce Okeechobee, Kissimmee, Ichnatucknee and Withlacoochee .

..You understand why it's better to have a friend with a boat, than have a boat yourself.

..Bumper stickers on the pickup in front of you include: various fish, NRA, NASCAR, Go Gators, and a confederate flag.

..You were 5 before you realized they made houses without pools.

..You were 25 when you first met someone who couldn't swim.

..You get angry when people say "Florida isn't really part of the SOUTH."

..You've worn shorts and used the A/C on Christmas.

..You know what the "stingray shuffle" is, and why it's important!

Sunday, September 16, 2007

a new psalm (a stolen poem)

(I saw this on another myspace page and thought I should share.I'll blog something of my own soon,I promise !!!)

Oh LORD my God

This psalm is to you

In honour of you

And the life you have given

Oh LORD my God

How awesome are your ways

You created me in the palm of your hand

And placed me on this earth

To take part in your plans

Oh LORD my God

How precious is the family you've placed me within

How comforting to know

We all serve you as King

Thank you Oh God

For this journey called life

So uniquely crafted for me to enjoy

And share with those you put in my life

This journey so perfect Oh God

So divinely chosen and prepared

Each road so carefully carved by your hand

With a destiny called heaven

When the journey descends through the valleys

And the road becomes ruttered and worn

You are there beside me picking me up

Beckoning me on.

Thank you Oh God

For the way the valleys

Place perception on life

And make channels for rivers of blessings to flow

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

The Entertaining Prophet

(stolen from "hot coffee"'s blog that's so beautifully expressed I had to share)

The Entertaining Prophet

The 33rd chapter of Ezekiel records the following message from the LORD:

"Come on, let's have some fun! Let's go hear the prophet tell us what the LORD is saying! So they come pretending to be sincere and sit before you listening. But they have no intention of doing what I tell them. They express love with their mouths, but their hearts seek only after money. You are very entertaining to them, like someone who sings love songs with a beautiful voice or plays fine music on an instrument. They hear what you say, but they don't do it." (Ezekiel 33:30-33, NLT)

Sometimes is good to read these OT passages and see where we fit in. Do we most resemble Ezekiel, who is proclaiming God's message to an unrepentant people? Or do we resemble the people, who come to hear the prophet because it's entertainment, but have no desire to change their lives?

Often it's both. I've found myself coming to hear a message with no intention of changing. Yet, it's in these moments where we see how dangerous it can be to come to a place where we no longer seek to submit ourselves to God's words. Many times I have been convicted because my heart only seeks entertainment and not application.

The last verse in chapter 33 is striking: God says when the terrible things happen to them (because they refused to listen to God), then they surely will know a prophet has been among them. May we take heed to God today through the various means by which He uses--and not be a people that are resistant, but rather are humble, moldable, and ever-changing to the truth of God's word.

Monday, September 10, 2007

2 beautiful poems

(these were stolen from another blog but so beautiful I couldn't help but share)

Christ shield me this day
Christ with me,
Christ before me,
behind me,
in me,
beneath me,
above me,
on my right,
on my left,
Christ when I lie down,
Christ when I arise,
Christ in the heart of every person who thinks of me,
Christ in every eye that sees me,
Christ is the ear that hears me.

You Are
More than I ever imagined
Deep within my heart lies passion
For who You are
The one who spun the stars so lovely
Set the universe above me
that's who You are
I want to see Your glory appear
I want to feel Your presence drawing near
God of Hope extraordinary
Matchless love there's no comparing
Abba Father always caring
You are
Peace that passes understanding
Peace that grows always expanding
In your hands my life a treasure
Yesturday, today, forevermore
That's who you are
When I stop to think of all Your wonder
Your mysteries I soon discover
there is more
of Who You Are

I have to have discipline?

In our small group on Sunday nights,we're beginning a book by Foster entitled "Celebration of Discipline". It's about the spiritual disciplines.He categorizes them into inner,outer and corporate. I'm really excited about this as i've heard the word "spiritual disciplines" but not ever known what they were exactly.I already practice some of them but would have never considered others as disciplines.Also,tithing is not one mentioned and I just KNEW that was a discipline.So,i'm really excited about what i'm going to learn over the next few weeks.My question to you is this....Did you grow up knowing what spiritual disciplines were? What do you think they are? If you practice spiritual discipline,what's your favorite and what's your least favorite? which one has been most life changing? i'd love to hear your thoughts :)

Saturday, September 08, 2007

Beauty and "the beast"

So,the title of this post is beauty and "the beast". well,"the beast" is this HUG E ugly pimple I have above my forehead.I exaggerate not folks. It's BIG,BAD and UGLY.I don't get acne that often anyway but this makes up for all of it.I can't reiterate enough how HUGE this thing is and it's right on my eyebrow.It hurts too.What's so bad about it is since it's a HUGE,BAD pimple,nothing i''m doing to clean it,etc is helping.It's just being stubborn and going to camp out on my face for a while.I just have to wait it out.
It's kind of funny that this happened now in my life.As I said,i rarely have acne and have NEVER had a pimple like this.So,the timing is so coincidental it's not even funny.
During my quiet time with God,He's really been treating me about authentic beauty and brokeness.He's been showing me what really makes me beautiful as opposed to what the world and others say makes me beautiful.He's also brought me to a place of brokeness before Him.He's been reminding me of just how ugly I am in myself and how dependant I am on Him.So,I think God brought the pimple as a physical reminder of what spiritual truth He's trying to teach me. I can't do a darn thing about this pimple just like I can't do anything about my ugliness before Him.I'm dependent on the blood of Jesus to make me beautiful before the Father. Also,as I began to have the typical thoughts of someone with a HUGE blemish on thier face,God gently reminded me that pimples will come and go and have nothing to do with my authentic beauty.So,I'm thankful that "the beast" will eventually go away but Beauty will last forever :)

Monday, September 03, 2007

Dave Drevecky

I'm not a big sports fan but even i know the story of Dave Drevecky.This is an awesome man with an awesome story.For anyone who might not know,Dave was a pitcher in the MLB and lost his pitching arm to cancer.I've read his book and his story is "awe inspiring".So,I thought you guys would enjoy hearing some of it from his own words.
Enjoy :)


Btw,it's a 3 part interview so just start with the first one and continue on :)